We mobilize tightly-knit teams of functional experts and senior consultants with a thorough understanding of our customers' technological environment. "Pragmatic and results-oriented", CTF CONSEIL teams listen to their customers, their needs and their constraints. Each employee has access to the firm's document repository, which centralizes our methodological tools, standard deliverable formats and capitalizes on our financial, regulatory, normative, methodological and technological knowledge. We maintain a regulatory watch in the banking, insurance and social protection sectors, enabling us to anticipate regulatory developments, train our staff and meet our customers' needs in this field.
Each year, CTF CONSEIL invests over 5% of its payroll in continuing training. In addition to individual training, we have set up a plenary Summer University to provide systematic training on topical issues for all our staff. We encourage employees who wish to take the Diplôme d'Expertise Comptable (DEC): 15% of our workforce have already obtained or are in the process of obtaining the DEC.